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Resisters Don’t Go To Sleep Now! We Must Get Donald Trump Out November 3rd 2020


By Donald “Braveheart” Stewart

As we get ready in 100 days to celebrate the end of a nightmare, will the man responsible even give us the chance to throw him out of the big house? As Mr Trump suggests yet another intractable and unbelievable opinion, that the election shall be fraudulent – who was it warned us about this in April?

Right so let me get this right, it is not the election at any point of Hoxha in Albania. Nor is it any election that took place in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics at any point. Or even of Ceausescu in Romania. Nor is it the current dictator in North Korea who is likely to be responsible for it. And as for the guy in China, he must be the absolute epitome of democratic freedoms as he tears down such institutions in Hong Kong.

Oh no all of them are untouchable as far as this goes but America – the America that was to be Made Great Again will provide for the whole world, the most corrupt election ever. EVER. PERIOD.

Even though it has been proven that the likelihood of voter fraud is infinitesimal – less than 1% – that makes it likely to be the biggest and most corrupt election ever? In the history. Of the world. And the universe. And ever.

Donald Trump has decided to call an event that has not even happened yet, the worst. The November election where he seeks another four years in office where it may depend upon postal voting is the pits.

And who told us this would happen? Who told us that Donald Trump would try this on the American people?

Joe Biden did.

“Mark my words. I think he is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale for why it can’t be held.” © Joe Biden April 2020.

At the time he said it everyone said Biden was off his head. There was no way in the world that President Donald J Trump was EVER going to do something as despicable as that, they claimed. The Washington Post called such a claim, “both unfounded and harmful to democracy” (Thanks Henry Olsen.) Even a law professor, Jonathon Turley derided it with the warning that “Biden’s “conspiracy theory… should be sold in a set with a tin foil hat and an EMT ghost detector”.

I think that in some states in the USA the tin foil hats are on order, Professor.

And now President Trump has suggested it.

I have little doubt that, given it is an impossibility to delay the election that democracy shall prevail and the liberal democratic process – if you use it – shall triumph.

If you use it. If you vote.

The alternative?

If you don’t, then you will need to batten down for four more years of this and let me, not be the first, to warn you that as Vladimir Putin has changed his constitution to allow him to run again, you might want to get ready for Trump to try likewise.

But is this the finale for Trump – is this a step too far?

I can but hope.

Democracy does tend to find a way to deal with those who want to deal it out their country but democracy gave us Trump. He won thanks to a system that does not credit one v one but looks to a collegiate approach, crediting states with what amounts to a points system. The points, when added up gives the main prize to the one with the most points or College votes, and not the most votes.

It is similar to the system for mainland British elections where governments can get in with landslides based on constituencies won and not popular votes cast. There is a move towards better and more proportionate democracy as we have now in our local elections and in the countries of Wales and Scotland as well as the province of Northern Ireland. We do well with them.

The United Kingdom would do much better with this as a system. The US might not like it because having two people fighting it out with a win in a swing state managing to swing the whole election has been with you for so long that it may just be accepted as part of your democratic DNA.

It did give you the unacceptable.

His words have been nothing but unacceptable for so long that I shudder to think what shall give the country the jolt needed to simply vote the man out.

Ironically it took the taking down of a wall to symbolise the dismantling of the USSR, the change in Albania and Romania and whilst we await enlightenment in Pyongyang or Beijing, will it happen in the USA?

Time is ticking…

The word is watching…

The world can laugh at what the man says but never comfortably and we are quaking.

Help us to stop… Please…

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