RingSide Report

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Donald Trump’s Saturday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet!


By Jo-Ann “Jo D NL” Duke

The diary scribblings of T4: Temper Tantrum Toddler Trump

Dear Diary,

Hi, it’s me again. I don’t know why they made talk to that awful Jonny. I am so mad because he was so mean to me. He kept asking the same questions over and over again, he wouldn’t stop, he just kept poking at me. I don’t like him at all. I can’t believe that he wouldn’t look at my charts, and he wouldn’t admit that I was right and telling the truth. You know that I am always right, because you know I am the bestest, that I know everything, and he don’t know anything, so there.

And those people I have to be around all the time, why didn’t they make him stop, that’s their job, that’s what they are supposed to do, and not let anyone be mean to me. It’s not like they do anything else, they just do what I tell them to do. I’m the boss, they are supposed to make me look good. This time, they sure screwed up, they let me look right stupid on that show.

Everyone is just jealous of me because I am so good, so they don’t want me to do what I want, because they know they can’t do what I do. No one can do the job the way I have done, and they are so mad because they aren’t like me, they are not smart, not a bit like me. I am so special, I know what to do, so I just say what I want, because obviously right all the time; because they don’t know things like I do, how could they, cause they are not special like me, but who is, hee hee. I am the best person ever, they’ll never have anyone else like me, no one else will ever do that nasty boring job the way I did; they don’t know how to do it the way I did.

Well, I have to go, again. I don’t want to, but It’s time to get back to the boring office, and pretend to listen to them go on and on forever; and you know, the stuff they tell me is just so boring, well, unless they start talking about me, well, I find that fun, and so do they, why wouldn’t they, it’s about me, after all, right.

Bye buddy.

Love you.


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