RingSide Report

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3.5 Years of a Nightmare Named Donald John Trump!


By Ron Signore

I keep having this recurring nightmare. Nightmares can be exaggerated and vivid, but this one seems so realistic that I often do not know when I am awake and when I am asleep. While the topic seems a bit dramatic, it is indeed the topic of Cheeto Man winning another term in office.

Put this into perspective. It has been a nightmare to begin with over the last 3.5 years. We have a President who clearly is out of touch with the progression of humanity in the modern world, but also out of touch with the 99% of wealth (or lack thereof) in this country. Our current President struggles with the simplest of common knowledge, let alone the intricacies of the foundational governing laws our constitution provides. He has time and time again proven he is not doing this for other, he is doing this for his narcissistic demented self.

His deeds in the White House have proven nothing more than an ineptitude of leadership. Think of all the trending hashtags on Twitter that point out his downfalls. Heck, think of all the memes. One very specifically stands out to me at this moment and it is the picture of him with his arms up in a manner of not knowing what to do with the tagline, “I don’t know what to do, this is usually when I file for bankruptcy.” I am in no way encouraging people get their information or opinions from the likes of hashtags or memes, but simply know that you should dig deeper then what those entail and come up with the understanding of logic as to why.

As we move forward in time, I cannot think of one event more damning to his legacy as President as the era we now know as COVID. The inability to understand science and drive a message out of paranoia not only helped form a resistance to improving the odds of containing the spread of the virus, but ultimately has led to the deaths of an increasing number of citizens in this great country. There still is no comprehension of accountability with Cheeto Man, though he has been stating that all consequences roll up to him. It continues to be received as a crock since he keeps claiming minimal, if any missteps in the decision making since the beginning of the pandemic.

Internally I struggle with an argument that is so much like the chicken and the egg argument: what is worse, him or his supporters. None of the hell we have endured living in since 2016 is even possible without the ignorance of his followers. Their idiocy has drawn a significant action in doubling down on his leadership as a positive for this country. The problem is, they are perceived by intelligent people as doubling down on their failures as opposed to pushing for the right resolution. Their pride to push forward with the agenda of keeping Bunker Boy in office has a price of magnified hatred. The hate stemming from “our rights to not wear a mask,” or the brainwashed moronic idea that Black Lives Matter is a symbol of hate has caused internal tension at the granular level of people. We see friendships and families altered over the conflicting views politically. The support of racism and a lack of common sense has helped inflate the ego of a man who has conned his way through life to this point.

But wait, there’s more… The greatest accomplishment of his tenure as he claims is the economy and the correlated Stock Market results. Day after day, we are proving this is a house of cards. As the virus spread, so did the amount of people who became unemployed. This wave of people out of work has led to a few different avenues as it pertains to our economy. The first is that with people out of work, spending is down. With businesses operating short staffed, if they survived, GDP is down significantly to the point where it will most likely take two years to get back to where it was pre-COVID. This also rings true to getting back to the 3.5% unemployment rate we had pre-COVID.

However, we have seen some amazing things from the stock market in the last 6 months. Some of the speculation is that some of those unemployed citizens began taking an active role in trading while they try to have a livable income. Make no mistake, this correlation of the rising stock market will have crucial implications soon. While it is unlikely we will have a crash of epic proportions, the bubble will eventually burst and chaos will ensue.

What is also worrying me is the international relationships we have formed or dissolved with the hair piece in office. We have made efforts with North Korea, Brazil and Russia while exiting the WHO and drawing tensions with many nations including China and Iran. The criticisms from other nations around the world frighten me. Deathly Don has turned our country into pariahs internationally. The disdain of those towards our nation is arguably greater than it has ever been.

These topics are reality. It is scary to all of us, whether one realizes it or not. Even our hopes to elect someone new in November comes with a twinge of fear. Maybe more than a twinge. With Cheeto Man already paving the way for a loss by claiming this will be the most fraudulent election ever, with regards to main in voting. Instructions to slow down the mail and fearful RED areas are finding deliberate ways to oppress the voting capabilities as we get closer to November have been perceived. Reports of interference from Russia, China and Iran have peaked news headlines, all with different motives. While Trump has alluded to not accepting the results of the election in a recent interview with Chris Wallace, I believe our country should challenge the same way if Trump comes out as winner.

The nightmare of having to suffer through another 4 years with this elected official is terrifying. The vivid imagery of hell, brimstone and fire is all too realistic with the thoughts of what this man could do to our country. The system is ineffective against stopping him thus far, another four years of runway will prove to be characteristic of the wild west for him. He will continue to run wild and not held accountable for his trespasses against our great nation’s values derived from our Declaration of Independence or Constitution. We have been wrong already for the last 3.5 years, let’s not be wrong for the next 4 years. The consequences could be grave.

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