RingSide Report

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Sterile America: A Shocking Look at What Many Have Become in a Donald Trump America!


By Evan Shelton

On Monday, September 14, 2020, a whistle-blower and Registered Nurse by the name of Dawn Wooten came forward. Wooten worked at an ICE detention center in Georgia and her complaint should shake every American to their core. Ms. Wooten has brought forth evidence that the Irwin County Detention Center, operated by LaSalle Corrections (a private company) has been illegally performing hysterectomies on detained woman against their will and without their knowledge or understanding. You read that right, an American sanctioned detention center is sterilizing women against their will.

The complaint also alleges that the facility has taken no actions to protect the detained immigrants from COVID19. Wooten alleges that she herself witnessed the company flat-out refuse to establish any sort of testing strategy. Going so far as not testing a single detained individual, despite ICE’s very public assertion that all detainees were being tested. Wooten’s COVID19 assertions are shocking unto themselves but in truth, her complaint only starts there.

Wooten’s complaint goes on to describe a sinister facility that has been performing hysterectomies on woman with very basic complaints. Heavy bleeding and cramps during menstruation, two common occurrences, have both been used as reasons for a complete hysterectomy. Wooten described “several inmates tell me that they’ve been to see the doctor and they’ve had hysterectomies and they don’t know why they went or why they’re going.” Wooten asserts that the detention center consistently uses the same off-site doctor for these unexplainable hysterectomies. So much so he has earned a nickname, “… the uterus collector.”

The complaint does not stop at forced sterilization. It also asserts that this “uterus collector” is guilty of basic malpractice. Wooten claims that one of the detainees was sent to him for a cyst on her left ovary but the doctor removed the right, healthy, ovary. The detention center and ICE felt that this incident also did not warrant public scrutiny and buried it. Wooten herself did not immediately go public but instead continued to work at the detention facility and filed an internal complaint. Doing so resulted not in a remedy of the problem, but rather in demotion of Wooten.

Regardless of any American’s beliefs on the current immigration situation, one must hope that no American is comfortable with forced sterilization. This is of course not the first instance of America forcing sterilization on people, but it is far and wide the most recent.
So here is America. In the year 2020. With protests being crushed in a city of freedom that was built by slaves. With a pandemic raging through a country whose residence spend the most on medical care but also possess the largest medical debt. In a land that pledges you can “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” only rip away the immigrant child, cage the immigrant father and sterilize the immigrant mother.

Regardless of all America’s hypocrisies (and there are many), let us not lose sight of the most recent. Let the nation turn its eyes to Georgia, to the Irwin County Detention Center, operated by LaSalle Corrections and let us not look away until justice is found.

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