RingSide Report

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Donald Trump’s Wednesday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet


By Jo-Ann “Jo D NL” Duke

The diary scribblings of T4: Temper Tantrum Toddler Trump

Dear Diary,

Hey, buddy, it’s me again. That stupid debate thing with Sleepy Joe is tonight, and once I am there, I am going to prove to everyone why I should stay as president. I will not let him finish anything he wants to say; so he will get frustrated and start to stutter.

That will make him look and sound stupid, which is great, because who wants a president who can’t even speak right and sound good. That’s not a problem for me. Imagine how that could make the country look, having a president who makes us look bad to the rest of the world. Honestly, that would have to be the worst things that could ever happen, right?

Seriously, I so really have this in the bag, it is going to make me look so good, and it will get even more people to want to vote for me, I can’t wait now that I think about it. There is no way that Sleepy Joe can do good at all in this thing, it is just going to get me so much closer to winning again.

There’s no way that this is going to my chances of getting to keep this job. After all, I am the smartest person ever, we both this is ture, and I talk everyone into doing whatever I want whenever I want. That’s cause I am just so charming, lovable and so agreeable that it makes people do exactly what I want; they never even realize that they are doing what I had intended for them to do all along.

See, all those years of schmoozing with all those rich and powerful people at the parties and meetings, they have really worked for me, and have helped me become the great and friendly guy I am today; you know, the one who is so loved by everyone. It’s only right after all, since I am so nice and kind to people all the time.

Well, buddy, I guess I better get back to my boring cell, oops, I mean my office. I don’t want to be there really, but it’s way better than where I could be, if I lose. The thought of not being there is even worse, thinking of where I could be if that guy in NYC gets his way, un huh, no way that’s going to happen if I can stop it, and winning that stupid thing in November would really help me, you know, so cross your fingers for me, hee hee, you know what I mean.

Bye for now, love you lots.


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