RingSide Report

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The Not So Presidential Debate!


By Evan Shelton

Ashamed, that is how Americans should be feeling. What in the world happened in Ohio? Is Trump even capable of waiting his turn, respecting others or following the rules? What in the world was that behavior? Shameful and truly disgusting behavior by the President of the not so United States.

Biden did not say much about policy but he no doubt would have if Trump had the ability to control himself. The constant interrupting, the shouting, he even argued with the moderator! Several times!

Moderator, Chris Wallace, seemed shocked by Trump’s behavior. Wallace displayed a complete lack of ability control Trump. At points flat out begging Trump to adhere to rules that Trump himself had previously agreed to. But Trump refused. Acting as unruly as any child ever has. Such a horrendous display of bullying and buffoonery does not belong in the most foolish of fictions. Instead, Trump has brought it to the presidential debate. Our presidential debate.

Biden did not seem to be as shocked by Trump as Wallace. Biden lost his cool a handful of times to be sure. Calling “Trump the worst president we’ve ever had” and even telling him to shut up. Behavior that arguably does not belong in a presidential debate but when faced with Trump’s unruliness? Biden cannot be condemned at all for his few outbursts. Overall Biden limited his mistakes and showed some class the event was sorely in need of.

The debate’s more alarming moments were Trump’s refusal to condemn white supremacy, and his admittance to being willing to refuse the results of the election. Trump again attacked the California about poor forest management, perhaps forgetting that most of the west coast fires are burning on Federally owned land. Wallace agreed with Biden’s point about violent crimes increasing by 15% under Trump, the law and order president. Trump again refused to discuss any details about his healthcare plan and was caught in multiple contradictory statements by Wallace.
Likely Biden supporters saw Trump humiliating himself and Trump supporters saw, whatever it is they have seen in him the past three and half years. It is very hard to say how anyone could view that behavior as presidential when it is not tolerated in a kindergartener. For me, Biden won the night’s award for most impactful moment with his passionate plea for Americans to, “vote, vote, vote.”

Now a list of words that Trump was unable to pronounce:

Phenomenal, terrible, top, Democrat, endorse, after, really, otherwise, reverse, China, Russia, ventilators, for, disgrace, airplane, record, peaceful, protest, said, office, Johnson, Minerva, unfortunate, listen and, transition.

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