RingSide Report

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Donald Trump’s Sunday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet


By Jo-Ann “Jo D NL” Duke

The diary scribblings of T4: Temper Tantrum Toddler Trump

Dear Diary,

Hey, big guy, it’s me again. Can you believe how badly those people, you know the ones who are supposed to be making me looking good, and, I guess fixing the country as well, are doing at their jobs, and instead of making me look good; thanks to them, I am looking really bad to the people who would have voted for me, the ones besides my followers, who will always be there for me, no matter what I do or say.

Anyway, thanks to Billy Boy, Smunchkin and MitMatch, and how much they have fooled up everything, now I have to try and fix things myself, like that was ever part of the deal. Imagine, instead of following all the work they did, and taking all the credit, which is what I normally do; well, now, thanks to their screwups, I have to try and get things working right again if I want to win that stupid election.

Imagine this, Billy Boy couldn’t even find enough proof to charge the nasty people who I am sure were spying on me the first time around in 2016; but no, BB says that there was no way to prove that they had done anything wrong, so none of them will charged and have to go to court, what a freaking screwup.

Then, I have to deal with Smunchkin who can’t even get Nasty Nancy to agree to a deal so that I can show the American people how great I am to them, especially right before the election, by sending out cheques to them.

You know that would make a lot of them want to vote for me to thank me for getting them money again after they have been waiting so long; but no, he can’t even get that old broad to agree to a deal, seriously, what is wrong with him, the man can’t even get a woman to do what he wants, can you believe that he can’t talk her into it; I mean, if it was me, it would already be settled, you that, right?

I would have gotten it exactly as I wanted, like I always do. So why can’t he? That’s the worst thing, though, little MitMatch is refusing to agree to the larger amount of money I wanted to put into the bill, to get it fixed, he won’t even agree to the original amount Smunchkin came up with, why is he doing this?

He has to know that it’s just making things harder for me, so why are my own people being so mean to me; it’s bad enough that they can’t do their jobs right, but now, it’s me that is being hurt by it. Can you believe how bad that is?

Don’t they realize that I am the most important person in the country, well, honestly, the world? They have to fix this stupid stuff now, so that I can this stupid contest, and get to stay the president; they know how important that is to me.

I can’t believe how selfish they are being, they aren’t even thinking about what this is doing to me, I am so totally shocked at this, aren’t you? All I can tell you is that they had better fix this and fast, for sure, right?

They will make things right for me again, and I can relax, and not have to worry anymore, if only people knew how hard these past 8 months have been on me, then they would be nicer to me, you know, instead of just thinking of themselves, and put someone else first for a change.

Well, buddy, gotta get back to that awful room, and have to deal with the borbots and borons, well, at least the ones who have come back after getting sick, or being afraid of getting sick. LIke somehow, they think it might come from me, as if.

Bye for now, love you lots, and talk to you later.


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