Donald Trump’s Wednesday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet
The diary scribblings of T4: Temper Tantrum Toddler Trump
Dear Diary,
Hi, big guy, it’s me, Donny, again. Can you believe that I had to deal with that nasty fake news person, that Lesley Stahl woman, and she was awful and mean to me, and I showed her.
I walked out of that stupid interview and didn’t go back, so there, hah. I didn’t even do that part where they wanted me and Mitchell, Malcolm or whatever his name is, to do the walk together.
Hah, I bet you that I totally screwed up everything for their precious interview, because you know that if I am not there enough, then the interview will just be so dull and boring, because of course, I am the only person that will be worth watching the interview to see, you know.
So that people don’t realize that I let her get to me, I told the people at my rally today in Erie, PA that we are going to screw up the show, I think it’s called 60 Seconds or something like that, for the fake news network, well, one of them, at least.
Why should I make it good for them, they are always so mean to me, and tell all those lies about me. Anyway, nasty Lesley, she was asking me really mean and hard questions, like about how we did with that stupid virus, and us not having done enough for people, to keep them from getting sickf or dying.
I mean, I really don’t know where all these people get such weird ideas, and then they expect me to do something about it, it’s just so crazy. She even was mean to me about that awful governor woman, you know the one that they are saying those men were going to allegedly kidnap her.
Nasty Lesley was acting like I wasn’t kind enough to that governor lady when that news came out, I don’t see the fuss, it’s not like she was even kidnapped, you know what I mean.
Those nasty fake news people are always just looking for things to be mean to me about, even when I don’t have anything to do with whatever is happening.
Like seriously, how would I be, what’s that word, oh yes, connected to those guys who they say were the ones who were going to kidnap her and the other stuff they said about them.
She even talked about the number of people who are at my rallies, like it’s a bad thing; she also asked me about Little Tony and his not doing what he’s told and istead of backing me up, how he’s always trying to make me look bad.
Though, if we’re being honest, even stupid, as if that could really happen, since we both know I am kind of a genius, but I don’t like to brag, you know.
Also, she had the nerve to say that the comments of what I have been saying about Sleepy Joe’s son, that it’s not true, can you believe that? Then, she also said that the Obama group wasn’t spying on me back then, ugh, she just made me so mad, she thinks she’s so smart with all her so-called facts, yeah right, as if.
I am going to get ahead of that whole stupid show, I know, we can release the interview first, and show everyone just how good I was, and how mean they were, oh great, it will be so good.
It will make even more people want to vote for me; they will see that I am always right, and those awful fake news people are just trying to make me look bad; cause it’s the only way that Sleepy Joe can look even a little good, and they want him to win over me, so they are doing all these awful things to me, it’s so not fair.
Well, big guy, I feel a lot better now, thanks so much for letting me vent, it really helped. Back to that office, and see what plans they have been setting up now for me, it’s all go now, cause I have to proof to my followers and the others that I need to vote for me, just how strong I am, and I really think that I am winning people over, so I don’t think that we have anything to worry about in two weeks’ time.
Bye for now, we will talk later, and love you lots.
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