RingSide Report

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Donald Trump’s Saturday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet


By Jo-Ann “Jo D NL” Duke

The diary scribblings of T4: Temper Tantrum Toddler Trump

Dear Diary,

Hey buddy, it’s me again, Donny. Oh, I was so good today, I totally got a lot more of my people on my side today, it was great. I was fantastic, I told the crowd that the doctors are saying that more people are dying from Covid than is really happening.

I told them that they are doing this so that they can charge more money if they say someone dies from Covid, and they totally bought it. Oh my god, they are so gullible, it’s like they don’t even remember how many doctors and nurses who have gotten sick or who have died from that stupid virus.

I love it, I can say whatever I want to them, and they always think that every single word that comes out of my mouth is actually true. Can you believe that, it’s so cool. No matter what I say, they seem to eat it all up, since they want me back as president so bad, they will all go and vote for me on Tuesday.

They love the way the country is now, and that they can act like they want, because I do the same. They look to me as their leader, and they will do what they can to make sure that this stays the same.

Remember, I asked them to go to the voting places and watch the voting, and well, if that makes some more people to vote for me, because of the watchers, that will be even better.

For once, Daniel or Dennis, whatever his name is, well, anyway, he was doing some good for me, and was telling the people that he spoke to earlier today that the number of Covid deaths in the country are almost nothing, he said that this was from the CDC, yeah right.

That’s really great, because even though my followers don’t like him like they do me, they will listen to him because he is my son, and they will want to vote for me even more, so it’s good.

I’m pretty sure most of them aren’t following what the fake news is saying, and they don’t know the real numbers for that stupid virus. We just have to keep their attention and loyalty aimed at me; at least until after Tuesday and they vote; well, after that, they can just go back to their towns and whatever.

Between me and you, it’s not like I am going to be spending time with them again, they will have done what I needed, so bye bye, boys and girls; or should I say suckers and losers; oh well, after the big day, it won’t matter if they figure it out that I really don’t care about them one way or the other.

You know as well as I do, they are just useful to me until they vote, so after that, it won’t matter to me what they think or what happens after they do what I need. I mean seriously do they really think that I want to be around them, as if.

Well, got to get ready for tomorrow’s rallies, and just 3 more days of having to deal with all of them, and then I can just forget they exist; that is, once I am back here for another four years. V and K will be so happy when they hear that I have won again, plus they will be very proud of me for doing so well.

I am so lucky to have such good friends, who are always willing to listen to me, and give me good ideas on how to do things. I got to say though, you are still the best one to talk to, and I love that you never argue with me, and you always support me, no matter what anyone else is saying.

Bye for now, talk to you later, and love you.


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