RingSide Report

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Is the Racist – In – Chief Donald Trump Coming To a Network Near You?


By James Gatto

In the past few weeks there have been grumblings about Donald Trump and the possibility of him buying or starting his own TV network. This is not the first time that there have been grumblings of such a move. Back in 2016, The Financial Times reported that Donald Trump and Jared Kushner were entertaining the idea of starting a their very own TV network. At the time, it was thought that his bid for president was nothing more than a stunt to put him back in the spotlight in anticipation of losing the election, but providing tremendous exposure and renewed popularity which would go a long way in helping launch a brand new news station. It would also lend some credibility to an upstart network whose owner had dabbled in politics, especially as a presidential candidate, which by today’s standards, would be enough to give him the right to get involved in the news business.

So, is there any validity to this claim? Well let’s think about whether or not this made any sense for Mr. Trump at the time. He had been out of the spotlight for about a year after he was fired from his reality show “The Apprentice.” He claims he “fired himself”, but NBC maintains they fired him after his comments about Mexicans being rapists. I believe NBC. Also, as we have found out recently, he had been bleeding money, most of his businesses we’re losers, in tremendous debt, and he was in dire need of replenishing a dwindling bank account. But to talk about the tremendous undertaking of launching a TV network is much different than actually doing it. The question is, even if he was thinking about it would he have been able to pull it off back in 2016? He would need plenty of financial backing. Now, it makes sense that running for president would provide exactly what he needed–huge publicity. He has a history of never investing his own money in anything. But he would need to offer something, Right? How about star power? A former presidential candidate would certainly do. Which would explain his bombastic, over the top, and self-serving, or better yet, self-promoting persona. There was only one problem: he didn’t expect to win. Much like “The Producers’” Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom, his plan to fail turned out to be a “yuge” success. “Springtime for Hitler” right here in the good ol’ US of A.

Change of plans. No news–president. After four years of complete disaster in the White House, we hear grumblings once again of a Trump news station. Only this time perhaps for different reasons. Not only to make money, but possibly to keep him out of jail. A Trump news station would be nothing more than his very own private propaganda network. What better way to fight off the authorities then a 24/7 news station geared towards trying to debunk any and all legal actions taken against him for crimes committed during his presidency? Right now, he has the Fox News network and OANN doing his dirty work, but it is unlikely that both these networks will continue to run interference for him if he is no longer president. At that point there’s no skin in the game for them. No reason to try to protect a failed president who is now an ex-president. Their mission is to protect the conservative Republicans who are still in office and to help keep them there.

One of the possibilities which has been thrown around is for Trump to buy or partner with OANN. I believe this is on his radar. Once the election is settled, we’ll know for sure, and we’ll know right away. But it makes perfect sense to me. If he loses the election, which is looking more and more likely, he will no longer have a safety net. His party will abandon him once the election is called, which admittedly may take a few weeks after November 3rd. But at some point, we’re going to have a winner declared. and if it isn’t Trump, he will be a man on an island. A man with no party, a lame duck president who has nothing to offer his one-time sycophants. Also, they’re going to have their own battles to fight. Once he leaves the White House, he officially becomes a private citizen and subject to investigation and prosecution. There’s a good chance he’s broke and will most likely not have many people in his corner.

A trump news station solves a lot of his problems. The two biggest problems are money and the long-arm-of-the-law. The new station will generate a pretty large income, which, at first, would be used for the legal counsel he will so desperately need. It can also, if successful, turn out to be a 24 hour a day infomercial for Trump products, including products offered by his family members. More important, in the immediate future, it would certainly be a propaganda machine for the trump ‘stay-out-of-jail campaign.’ He’ll have his lawyer friends like Alan Dershowitz, and Rudy Giuliani, and political right-wing conspirators like Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Steve Bannon, etc. I really believe this is his next move. He’ll have to do it quickly because there’s no time to waste. The minute he’s out of office and no longer has William Barr to protect him, he is sure to be brought before a grand jury, many of them. So, he’s going to need to start the smear campaign against the FBI and the SDNY, in particular. Not to mention an inevitable House Judiciary Committee investigation, and possibly a Senate investigation, as well. So, he’s going to need to put the pedal to the metal and get this network off the ground the minute he knows that he is going to be evicted on January 20th. He needs to have things ready to go, and not long after he becomes a civilian because they’re gunning for him right now. A career criminal, he’s been bobbing and weaving his entire life. But this is the last round and he’s on the ropes. It’s going to be interesting.

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