Donald Trump’s Wednesday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet About Losing
The diary scribblings of T4: Temper Tantrum Toddler Trump
Dear Diary,
Hey, big guy, it’s me again. Oh my god, the worst and most unbelievable thing happened. I lost. I can’t believe that it happened, how could this be true? We both know that everyone loves me, so how could this be real?
Like I said before, if I lost, then it would have to be major voting fraud, there is no other reason that it could have happened; for me not to win, there has to have been cheating.
I can’t believe that anyone would have voted for Sleepy Joe more than me. This is crazy, it can’t be real; how can I face everyone tomorrow, with them knowing that somehow that guy beat me.
It’s so embarrassing, imagine me of all people losing to him. Oh God, well, I am going to fight it as long as I can. I’m not giving this up without a fight, I will keep it tied up in court for as long as it’s possible.
I am convinced that this must be wrong because we both know how much I am loved by everyone, especially my supporters. They must have not counted all the votes for the people who voted for me, and they just showed what they wanted to see, which was getting Sleepy Joe in power, so that they can control him.
They actually had the nerve to say that he beat me, and they believe it. Well, they can have their stupid little election, they will realize just what they have lost once I am no longer the president, and then it will be too late, and too bad for everyone. They had their chance and they blew it.
Let them try to do what I did for this country; they will never be able to do what I have over the last four years. Oh well, screw it, I can go back to making lots of money, after all, like I’ve always said, I am an amazing businessman, so I don’t need this stinking job or all the stress that came with it. They don’t deserve to have me as president.
Thanks for letting me vent, buddy, it’s really helped. Oh well, even after this, I am stuck here until sometime in January, then I can get back to my real life, and to doing things that I really want to, and that I enjoy.
Bye for now, talk to you later, and love you.
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