RingSide Report

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The Day After the Election….


By Ron Signore

The nightmare is playing out as expected. Most of us went to bed late on November 3rd or very early November 4th, with mixed emotions on how the election outcome would playout.

As a gambler, I often referenced Vegas odds over the past months and more the past 24 hours. Up until about 9PM EST on election night, Biden was listed as the favorite to win and Trump the underdog. From that point on throughout at least midnight (last I checked before retiring in my anxious state) the odds switched. I went to bed with a feeling of de ja vu from Super Bowl 51 between the Patriots and the Falcons- and many Falcons game this year to add- where the odds would flip in a moments notice.

I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up this morning at 6 to see the AP showing Biden having 238 Electoral Votes to Trump’s 213. But still the stalemate of an incomplete knowing what remains is enough to make someone switch to decaf.

Battleground states are keeping the suspense. Outside of the obvious, the problem of lingering results allows more steam for anyone to continue down a path of fighting the actual results. With Cheeto Man laying out his plan to not concede and fight the results in a reported losing effort prior to the election, every fluctuation of remaining ballots counted just pours gasoline on his fire of being cheated. The cries have to be loud considering he self-proclaimed himself the winner of the election overnight.

Cries for monetary contributions to Trump’s campaign to help fight the results legally have already been made. The population of MAGAts around the nation align with his ridiculous claims of being cheated, seeing no possible way Biden could win without the Democrats rigging the election.

Instead of coming out of this election, that had a very positive voter turnout compared to years past, and realizing the country from a popular standpoint is relatively split between the two party platforms, people are still fighting for that crumb. We should all be looking for the next for years to try and find ways to unify and work together to get the country back on track. And while I do believe the Blue side of things is best for that opportunity, the realization that Trump should check his ego to realize he is not the dominant and clear choice for everyone. He should begin to realize the country will continue to flounder if he continues to allow isolation between the Red and Blue supporters.

Now a lot of my logic here can be classified as hope at the very most. Rationality is easier to say than do for many. Even more so when one has an ego the size of Trump’s wig. As I have approached the morning, I have also noticed another class of Trump supporter outside of those crying they were cheated. I have seen many instances of proud Republicans stating a similar message to my hope. Acknowledging it was a good battle, but the path to victory is far clearer at this point for Biden than it is for Trump. Furthermore, the concept of identifying the balance of power and ideology in this nation is tighter than many would assume. The assumption clearly comes from the mainstream media and their polls.

The major victory to Donald Chump to this point is that all these polls he was behind in that seemed significant were not as accurate as they hoped. Now being a Poli Sci major from Purdue, we learn that polls are critical only as a 30,000ft thermometer. They are not ideal to true representation for many reasons. The sample sizes could never truly represent all variables in voter demographics or voter influences geographically. The release of information will typically be aligned to whatever the media is willing to release. The argument of the mainstream media being against him and having misrepresenting polls is not as insane as many Blue supporters would hope.

We have seen too much of both ends of the spectrum of logic and illogical behavior from our citizens as we wait to see the final election results. Even as we ride out the impending legal action and recounts, tensions will not decrease. Negative actions from the radicals on both sides will continue to cause fear and hate among many of us in this country. It is an unfortunate truth. It also does not help that so much old repulsive blood was retained within the senate. The perception of a continuous bitter war between members of congress such as Nancy Pelosi and re-elected Republican moron’s like Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham almost all but guarantees further delay in progress for a more united and whole United States of America.

The next four years, NO MATTER WHAT, cannot be wasted. We cannot lose momentum. If the Blue Wave crashes, we need to continue to fight for what we believe to get the country we are looking to have. Stopping the RED RASH from spreading its hate and fear and continued abuse to the working middle class who built, and continue to break their back for this country, must continue. If the Blue Wave conquers all, it is our chance to continue driving the ‘why’ behind our vision for the country. Stopping the RED RASH is not enough to reverse the damage. Proactively driving change becomes the focus and the desired result will be a better nation for the future of our families. It starts with us being better people, the bigger people metaphorically speaking. If Biden falls short in the end, I am ok with diving for recounts as he rightfully should do. But if the results become apparent they are correct, he needs to accept defeat with grace to show what a humble and dignified human being is like, as opposed to the whiney, sore losing cry baby Trump and many of his supporters have shown to be should the worst come true for them.

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