RingSide Report

World News, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment and Sports

Whoever Wins…


By Bethany “BST2” Armstrong

Whoever wins, Stay calm “We are not enemies, but friends.” Abraham Lincoln.

I am seeing this all over Facebook. It gives me an icky feeling in my tummy. It feels like a cop-out from the fascists who realize how close their defeat is. Why can’t we just be friends when all is said and done?

I’m not sure how these folks are defining “friends” but in my world friends support you, respect you, listen to you, and care about your wellbeing. Friends respect your choices and honor your opinions but also hold you accountable for your behavior.

If you voted Trump in 2016 but were intelligent enough to realize he’s a lying, raping, child molesting, Kingpin of dookie and revise your beliefs to vote him out, fair enough. If you vote for him in 2020 though, we’re done. Permanently done.

As a rape victim, I cannot abide a rapist. I think they should be put to death or castrated or imprisoned for life. A life for a life, ya know? Those who support Trump support a rapist. Trump has been accused by 26 women of rape or “sexual misconduct” which is code for “rape but I didn’t jizz in you”. I am not friends with rapists, and I am not friends with people who defend rapists. Strike one.

Strike two? The racism… the blatant racism. The proud boys, the good people on both sides, the casual cruelty, the lynching, the vilifying of protesters and asylum seekers…. Sorry bud, you cannot support these things and not be a racist. You cannot be a racist and be my friend.
The lies and propaganda…. Holy shit Fox News. For fucking shame. You give journalism a bad name and I hope every single one of you lands in prison for poisoning minds. Strike fucking three.

Betsy GODDAMN Devos…. And all the other twats he put in unwarranted positions of power but mostly fucking cuntstain Betsy “My Money Makes Me Worthy” Dumbass Devos… I’m a fucking teacher. Supporting this failed abortion is a smack in the fucking face. She has set education back decades. Christ. If you like this anal leakage on two legs, we are most definitely not friends. Strike four fuckers.

Only one strike is necessary. I’ve cut my mother out for less. Trump supporters are and will remain the enemy of the state and the enemy of the people. The nastiness they’ve exposed will not suddenly disappear when Trump is thrown bodily from the White House like so much refuse.

I’ll leave you with some words from Dr. Thompson “ There is an eerie sense of Panic in the air, a silent Fear and Uncertainty that comes with once-reliable faiths and truths and solid Institutions that are no longer safe to believe in……. Guaranteed Fear and Loathing, Abandon all hope. Prepare for the Weirdness, Get familiar with Cannibalism. Good luck, Doc.”

Whoever wins… I’ll remember the behavior of the last four years and determine my enemies accordingly.

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