RingSide Report

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Donald Trump’s Monday Private Thoughts That He Doesn’t Tweet


By Jo-Ann “Jo D NL” Duke

The diary scribblings of T4: Temper Tantrum Toddler Trump

Dear Diary,

Hey buddy, it’s me again. I am kinda mad at myself, because I tweeted that “He” had won, but I meant that they are saying he won because of all the voter fraud. Now people are saying that I’m finally conceding, but I am not going to do that.

Everyone who is being honest knows that I actually won the election, because on the day of the election, I had a big lead; but thanks to them counting all those illegal ballots after that day, that’s the only way they can say he won.

Those ballots are not legal, no matter what they say, the only ballots that should be counted as being real are the ones that were counted on November 3 by the people who voted that day.

Can you believe that so many people think that it’s possible for all those fake ballots to be real and legal? Anyway, I changed that stupid tweet right away, because everyone knows that I am the actual winner, and I’m not giving up until the court proves it.

I don’t care how many recounts or court cases they have to do, as long as it shows that I am the real winner. After all, the American deserve to have the best president ever, and we both know that is me, not Sleepy Joe.

Can you imagine what he would do to the country if he was able to be sworn in? He would definitely cancel all the good things I have done in my first term. Thankfully we won’t have to worry about that, because of all the efforts to prove myself the winner.

Once we do, then I can start figuring what else I can do to the country to make it even more great; more even than what I have already done. I mean, that alone is your proof that I actually won; I mean, what other result could there be?

Look at everything I have done the past few years, how could the people want anything more than all the things I have done. I have fixed so many things, and made the country so much better for everyone.

I would argue with anyone who has said anything different, and I have, because of course, I’m always right about whatever I am talking about, you know. Well, I feel better now that I have gotten all that out, thanks so much, buddy.
Back to the planning for even more court cases, to make sure that we get the true and right result to the election, which is me staying on as president. Anything else would be horrible, don’t you think?

Bye for now, love you lots, and talk to you later.


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