RingSide Report

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The World Is Sick of Everything Donald J. Trump!


By Donald “Braveheart” Stewart

A view from the new Kailyard or, how you look over there, from over here…

(kailyard n. a genre of sentimental Scottish literature turned into effective invective comment from one Donald worth reading…)

As I sit in my Kailyard I wonder about the Orange Man in your White House: a contrast too far?

But hey, don’t we all? Worry about him, that is…

From over here, your system is so very different, at times, from ours.

One of the major differences is the opportunity for Prime Ministers, our head of government, as they leave office, to offer out pardons for his friends and associates who have transgressed, even done something a little illegal in their murky past.

We don’t feel jealous about this. It does not leave us with any form of a good feeling about what a President may do. In fact, it all appears a little seedy and even greasy…

I mean, pardon, me, but is this the sign of a man clearing the decks before he gets found out?

Is the pardoning of a guy who lied to courts and defended Trump defendable to anyone?

Is this him making sure that if people are going to try and take him down, take him into a court and charge him with all the crimes of which he has been accused over the last decade or so, that they will not have people willing to give evidence against him? Are there enough pardons available to him to make that a watertight strategy? Mind you, he is hardly used to the logical in his approach to anything.

Truly, though, we are all wondering, what is going to happen?

Globally, we have seen our fair share of dictators come and go, be sent to a court of some description or other, as they have been accused, arrested, charged, prosecuted and even executed.

What will happen to President Trump?

I have a funny feeling it shall end up being nothing.

Like an irritant, he shall not fall into the shadows but shall take great delight, I am sure, in beginning the best ever handover. He will lord it over all by showing he can be the best at being humble and not get the irony. His pardoning of people who deserve contempt shall be how he dresses up his magnanimity. He shall be the very best at being understanding and shall scream and shout at anyone who says otherwise.

Those who have accused him of heinous crimes, who have suggested he is less than sanguine or wholesome are likely to have a few powerful advocates but in a system where there is a pardon on offer from the head of the nation, how will they be able to have themselves heard? How can they do more than speak up? How can they manage to attain justice?

The world outside is waiting and the world outside is unsure how it is that you are going to manage to repair the damage of the last few years?

Having the former president in a dock, in a courtroom may not achieve that. In fact, it could be argued that it is likely, is it not, to open up wounds that may never be eased.

At least that is what people may argue.

Like the man with the inky complexion Mr. Giuliani. He is likely to argue on behalf of his fellow traveler that we should not look into the dark recesses of his mind or his behaviour and shine a light. He shall argue, it may shine back upon us and prove us to be as guilty as that man.

Of course, the people who deserve justice, the women who have been brave enough to say enough, will need support and encouragement. They should see some form of justice.

It is the basic humanity of any system that it pursues justice no matter how it may reflect back upon you. Giuliani must be ignored. The damage that it may inflict upon your system and the country must be ignored. The world is watching how this next scene in the pantomime may unfold. We hope that the cleansing nature of the changeover does not stop there. To flush out the bad you need to do more than recognise its presence.

Through the pursuit of justice there is one thing, I think, which is certain. You will truly then, drain the swamp.

May your God speed up the process and may your courage be never in question. If it was to happen and justice was to be served, then we could finally pardon America for foisting upon us the man who epitomizes all that is wrong with being … a man.

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