RingSide Report

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NYC Has Lost its Damned Mind


By Janet Grace

Having been born and raised by two Good Samaritan’s who frequently brought those lacking a roof over their heads, into our humble abode, I was saddened by New York’s treatment of its homeless individuals seeking shelter and warmth.

A few summers ago, a sign posted right in front of the entrance to Washington Square Park read: “FEEDING THE HOMELESS IS PUNISHABLE BY LAW”. Another read: “Do NOT feed the homeless. Doing so will attract more.”

NYC is treating the homeless as if they were pigeons.

What are you doing, Bill Blasé-o? What in Hell’s Kitchen is the matter, with you?

Today, during a time when we are doing all possible to just remain alive and many have lost all they’ve ever had, NYC has decided to remove the benches that make waiting for a train a possibility for those who must sit, to own the homeless.

So, big deal. They took away the benches in the subway platforms. That’s your story, JG?

Nah, Bruh! It’s the truth that followed along with it that has twisted my braids and I don’t even live there anymore.

When someone tweeted about the inconvenience, and asked why that had been done, one would expect the answer to have something to do with keeping people social distanced from COVID and the benches will be replaced with individual chairs 8 ft apart, yada-yada, right? Nope. The answer given was the actual truth.

“Benches were removed from stations to prevent homeless from sleeping on them.” Signed “JP”.

This dude now joins the homeless, cuz you know they kicked him to the curb for being honest.

The tweet was deleted, but not until after the collective public ran home to get their horned hats, spears, war paint and let loose regarding that abuse, on Twitter.

In a statement to Insider Magazine, a spokesperson for the MTA stated that the comment was an error.

“The tweet was posted in error and it has since been removed. The subway is not a substitute for a shelter and homeless New Yorkers deserve much better care. We have been working with the City on this important issue and have asked for more dedicated mental health and medical resources which are urgently needed to solve the homeless crisis that has been exacerbated by the pandemic.”
You see the difference?

Ah! Now, THAT’s the B.S. we’ve come to know and accept. Much better. Ok. Good to know nothing’s actually being done about it, except for removing the benches. The rest, we know, is just a crock of lies.

We see you, MF! Biden’s gonna fix your ruthless asses. Just you wait.

I’m going to quote this one guy’s tweet because it is on par with my thoughts.

“You must be new – you’re supposed to come up with a plausible excuse that doesn’t make the agency sound like it’s run by monsters.”

Xac’ly (sic) SMDH! Stay safe Tweeps. Smoke’m if you got ‘m and don’t forget to share when you’ve got it like that. Type to you next week.

Blessed be,
JG )O(

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