Spring Forward…
Hello, Beautiful People and the rest o’ y’all, too.
I hope you’re all fine and dandy.
I’d been a bit under the weather and turned inwards to heal. I am quite sure that is the case for so many of us. My state of worry was heightened right up until the day after the inauguration.
Once I knew our Superheroes were safely installed within The People’s House, I believe I melted right into the floor and stayed there; like, Roberto Duran’s famous: “No Mas”. I’ve been off here for some weeks now.
SO, you KNOW the last thing I’m coming on here to talk about is politics, right? Ya feel me?
I’m good. You good, too? I know there’s plenty of work to be done. There are still some sly foxen presiding in our hen house but we’ll get them. “In due time, my pretty, in due time.”
For now, Spring is right around the corner and while we’re still in the throes of quarantining and trying our best to stay alive, it IS time for us to break out our bikes, go for a run, take in the ever magnificent sunshine whenever it comes your way, or use your favorite way to shake up your spirit, mind and body.
New Beginnings are upon us. What do you do, to plan for something new or invite it into your life?
For me, it’s spring cleaning and tossing out everything I have not worn in ages and have no intention of ever wearing again. Those of you who save things to fix them some day need to take a picture of the item, label what it is and what it means to you. Now, toss the item and keep the pic.
How many coats, sweaters, blankets do you actually need? Some folks are literally freezing. Share, won’t you?
Now that you’ve purged the clothing and shoes, hit the other rooms and if you’re not wildly excited by the item, out it goes.
NEXT, let’s hit the “paper tiger”. Start throwing out all those receipts from 159 years ago. You can take pics of receipts and let the cloud keep it for you, if it’s legal. We accumulate so many papers and so much nonsense without realizing that it can lead to anxiety, et al. Who’s happy to see a pile of bills? Me, neither. I make piles: keep, action, toss.
I may not have money to pay off the measly $80 I owe the dentist for popping that tooth out of my mouth in October, but I do have a responsibility to do so.
Whether it’s $5 or even $4, he’s going to receive something regularly until its paid off.
Those of you who are into the money, money, money, know that it’s got to flow both ways. Don’t be afraid to let it go. It’ll be returning with friends, if you deem it so.
Interest rates are at an all-time low. Take a moment to review your finances. Call creditors and ask about the possibilities of lowering your current interest rates or maybe switching your accounts to another company with a lower rate.
Begin investing pennies with companies like “Acorn” that take all your chump change and invest it for you.
It’s almost time to begin gardening again. Get those itsy bitsy seedlings in the ground or in seedling cups. Crocus and daffodils will be popping out of the snow soon, if they haven’t already.
I place wishes into seedlings. Why not? As the plants grow, so do the wishes.
Vision Board’s and I have been together since the 70’s. They had no fancy name. I just liked to look at all of my wishes in one place. My favorite items on my boards were always the actual cash, guitar pics, drumsticks and ½ joints placed right there in plain sight. My Moms never saw them.
So, it’s time. Get on up, and get the blood flowing again. The nation is in the hands of more good people than not. Now, it’s time for you to turn your thoughts to yourself for a moment. Do those breathing exercises on You Tube. Listen to the Meditation podcasts and come out of your corner with your gardening gloves on. Spring is 43 days away. We won. Yay.
Blessed be, All.
Say HI if you see me.
Peace )O(
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