RingSide Report

World News, Social Issues, Politics, Entertainment and Sports

Quentin Quarantino: Another Hero Emerges…

By Janet Grace

I always try to mine for the gold, look for silver linings, believing whatever you seek, you shall find. So far, so good.

Quentin Quarantino A.K.A. Mr. Tommy Marcus’ story is a good as it gets.

Quentin is a 25 year old, meme artist, rap artist and a regular bloke like the rest of us; however, the actions he took to help the world and make a difference has placed him on the map.

He took it upon himself to start a “go fund me” page entitled: “Flyaway: Emergency Afghan Rescue Mission” to raise funds ensuring safe passage for those in Afghanistan whose lives may be in imminent danger, i.e., journalists, doctors, lawyers, interpreters and all of their families.

Tommy’s page raised 5 million dollars within 24 hours since Tuesday. The tally is growing as I type. The funds will pay for airfare at $550.00 per person.

Knowing various teensy winsy bits about the travel industry, I’m hoping he’ll team up with an airline that will give him discounted group rates, allowing one free ticket per (x) amount of passengers and dare I say, perhaps, match his efforts.

Too bad Jeff Bezos and those multi-stupid fat cats aiming for the stars cannot see beyond the bridges of their noses to assist those on planet Earth.

Tommy definitely gets the key to the city as well as our collective hearts, in my book. I invite all of you interested in assisting with this wonderful endeavor, to visit my Twitter page:

@janetgracemusic, where I’ll pin his gofundme link.

If you’d like to support Tommy, he’s a Songwriter whose music can be found on the internet under his pseudonym: Quentin Quarantino. Donate to either cause or both, but those of you whose heart breaks for our Afghanistan Brothers and Sisters in danger of being targeted by the Taliban’s kill list, here’s an opportunity to help your fellow man, woman and child.

Do your thing, Twitter. Please retweet this to bring awareness to this cause. Together, let’s save as many people as we can. Let’s welcome them home to OUR AMERICA, LAND OF THE FREE, HOME OF THE BRAVE, UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT.

We’re far from perfect but there are those of us whose hearts beat for humanity.

Together, we can rhyme.

Brightest blessings, y’all.
JG )O(

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