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Make Up Ya Mind, Nikki – Political News

By Janet Grace

For cryin’ outloud! It twists my senses whenever Nikki Haley implies that America was only racist when it was she who was being discriminated against, as a child, which probably never happened because ‘That One’ has spent tons to assimilate, blend in and say nothing about race, creed or culture until it was time to use her melanin as a loaded weapon, to suit her own agenda.

She tells the story of belonging to the sole Indian family on the block and being bullied in school because she was brown; however, she’s quick to say in the same breath, that America has never been racist in her latest campaign vomiting speeches.

Number one: She’s as brown as Betty Boop! Give me a break, fuggedaboutit! She’s clearly mistaken and I would not be surprised if she requests a portable tanning bed delivered to her hotel rooms the eve before she’s due to speak in a predominantly mixed area for good measure. I hear Tucker might have a used one to sell, if he’s done toasting his hazelnuts.

You cannot have it both ways, Nikki, and how dare you lie to the gullible and innocent who do not know any better and believe every dribble of deceitful drool that descends from your lips?
Listen here and now, Ms. Haley. We are NEVER going back to being lied to again, so you can stop that nonsense right NOW.

We have HAD IT with your monstrosity of a party, they being the ones who introduced us to the blatant gaslighting of America via Dump Truck’s lies, Kellyanne Conway’s alternative facts and Betsy DeVos’ behind closed doors nonsense.

For We, The People, “I’m with them” shall be reserved for those who’ve fought for everyone’s civil, economic, human rights, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights and the right to religious freedom. It is not meant for you or your lies.

We’re not going backwards, so you can take your ridiculous rhetoric and swallow it, twice in weekdays and thrice on Sundays! Get out of here!

I look forward to welcoming a surprise candidate like the former Governor Hogan, who kept Marylanders safe during the height of the Covid pandemic, released the states personal supply of petrol to get his constituents through the worst times and he’s someone who has his heart on the pulse of the people, simply because it’s the right thing to do. I know there are still one or three decent Republicans like he, Brad Raffensperger and Ms. Cheney. Those three would not be as harmful to our democratic Republic as I believe you will most definitely be.

You had better be quick to review American History before you attempt to spout more garbage into the minds of the younger generation. They’re neither as gullible, nor as forgiving as we older gens. Once they figure you out, you’ll be tossed and removed like yesterday’s wilted greens. No one’s eating it. Give it up!

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