RingSide Report

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Ringside Report Welcomes Our Newest Feature Boxing Writer Clare “The Boxing Advocate” Burke – Breaking Boxing News


RSR Press Release

“Bad” Brad Berkwitt has been in the boxing writing business for 22 years now. During those years, 14 have been at the helm of Ringside Report “The Heart of Boxing & Entertainment”.  As he has always done, he sees talent and passion in people that have the ability to write and when he does, he reaches out to see if they want to be on his team at RSR?

Well, his latest hire, Clare “The Boxing Advocate” Burke (“Bad” Brad gave her that nickname for her passion to move our beloved sport ahead at every turn) has joined the ranks at RSR and we couldn’t be happier.  You are going to find in her columns, lots of passion, love and respect for the warriors of old and new in the greatest sport around today, boxing!  On behalf of the entire team, we welcome her aboard.

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