Letters to The Editor: The Disgust of Voting Americans & People From Other Countries Write in to Air Their Complete Distaste For Donald Trump!
Compiled by “Bad” Brad Berkwitt
Good evening MR Berkwitt,
We spoke earlier tonight on Twitter and I told you I would be writing in. I am a registered Independent voter and have no problem voting either party for the best candidate! This year it will be easy because there is no more Republican party of Reagan! Trump, shit, pissed and blew it all to hell. Joe Biden is not the best the Dems had, but he is the candidate the people voted for and he is now my candidate because since Trump’s win in November 2016, I have said ABT (Anybody But Trump).
Louis B.
Homestead, FL
Dear Editor,
I live across the pond in Leeds, England, but love the USA. There are many here that do. We were your allies for many years, but we detest your President Trump. He reflects none of our values, and for me, the biggest thing is he is a proven racist. Years, back when President Obama was in the White House, I had the chance to meet then VP Biden at a DC event. He was a very nice man and not only spoke to me, but my mum and dad. I wish him the best in this race because your great country needs leadership something it has not had since January 20, 2017!
Charles L.
Leeds, England
MR Berkwitt,
I read your “Letters to the Editor” yesterday on Twitter and had to write in. There was a letter from a black gentleman that broke my heart that he was scared of Trump winning again for his five year old son. How sad is that? I am actually a Republican, but have not voted that way since the 2008 election when I voted for Senator McCain. Many of your readers may remember when John McCain was on the campaign trail and the misinformed lady said she was scared of President Obama because he was an Arab. Senator McCain told her “No maam he is not. He is a good man and there is nothing to afraid of should he win.” Fast forward 12 years and we have people who are scared for their children of another Trump presidency! How sad is that America? I will be voting for Joe Biden all the way, but I truly wish John Kasich would have attempted to primary Trump! America cannot survive four more years of Trump.
Tess R.
Bixby, Oklahoma
For the Editor,
I truly appreciate you running my email because I am so mad, I could spit nails! Being a Korean Veteran, I despise this five-time deferment draft dodger who attacked a man I admired in Senator McCain. Trump couldn’t shine John’s combat boots! I have had it out with many vets because for whatever reason, many back Trump. See, it doesn’t bother he didn’t serve, I voted for Clinton and Obama who didn’t serve either, but neither disrespected our troops as Trump does at every turn. Please, Please and Please anyone reading my letter to the editor, vote for Joe Biden because this country will implode if Trump gets four more years!
Miles M., MSGT (Ret) Air Force, Pensacola, FL
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