RingSide Report

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“Stacy Speaks”: Feeling Unloved, Feeling Guilty, Wipe-Out, Manbun & Firstdates….


Hosted by Stacy Koruba

Feeling Unloved


I have been married for 25 years but I don’t think my wife loves me anymore. She is only interested in watching TV, insulting me, or nagging at me about her parents. When my son is home from college during the summer she pretends like everything is fine between the two of us, but she treats him like a king and caters to his every want and need and asks for his advice and permission about everything. They even took a family vacation together at the end of the summer and didn’t invite me. What should I do? I feel abandoned.

Al, Englishtown, NJ


I’m sorry you feel unloved in your marriage. From what you are saying, it sounds like there is a HUGE lack of communication going in your relationship. All relationships are built on honest and open communication, even if what is being said is difficult or hurts. After 25 years a marriage can become routine. Perhaps the two of you can start doing more together. Have you tried asking her on dates? Covid has made those options difficult, but not impossible. You can take turns cooking a new meal for one another once a week and enjoying it while sitting at the table listening to some music and getting to know one another again. Play games together, take walks together, go on long drives and site see. Ask difficult questions that maybe you do not want to know the answers too. Therapy can help if you are both open to it. I get the feeling maybe she doesn’t think you communicate that well either, perhaps she is giving so much attention to your son because she is feeling just as alone as you do. I am sensing this from the comment about them going on a family vacation and you not being invited. They are your family; you didn’t need an invite. You should have asked about the vacation and included yourself. Al, my friend, you need to start talking to your wife.

Feeling Guilty


Is it wrong of me to judge POC or religious people that vote for Trump more than I judge white people? I feel bad for doing it, but I cannot help wondering why the hell they would support him?


Los Angeles, CA

Hi Kym,

I do not believe that you should feel bad for judging a POC or a religious person that supports Trump. He has made it well known that he only cares about the rich white man. He does not hide his opinions about POC, and I don’t believe that any of his policies have anything to offer them or will benefit them in anyway. The same goes for religious people, if someone is a true Christian than I do not understand how they can support a man that is so evil. Something is not right, and their belief systems do not match. I often wonder the very same thing about women that support him. I am giving you a pass to judge away, we are human after all and I am quite sure those people are judging us for not supporting that evil bastard.



Okay, I’ve got one. With things being so screwed up right now and for the foreseeable future – politics, pandemic, climate change, etc. Wouldn’t it be best if the human race was just wiped out and the world got a do-over? Please advise.

Lon, B.C Canada


I am not a quitter, so in my opinion, the human race is not going anywhere! We fight to make changes and to make things better until there is no one left standing to fight any longer. The human race has accomplished far too much to lose hope now! We are the creators, the scientists, the engineers, the survivalists, the educators, the activists and the WARRIORS! If we lose, at least we know we never gave up trying. WE DO NOT GIVE UP.


Stacy: Manbun. Yes or no?

DeAnne Minneapolis, MN

Hello, DeAnne,

That is a personal preference. My husband is bald, so I am sticking with the chrome dome. The look fits in our family! I believe that everyone should do what feels good to them with their hair, and they should NOT base their decisions on what anyone else thinks or is attracted too. Our hair can play a huge part in how we identify ourselves in society and I believe that it is a great way for self- expression. I am attracted to self confidence and even more attracted to who someone is on the inside. If that great inside personality happens to have a manbun than I would be perfectly ok with it! My mate is just a baldy at this stage in life!

First Date

Stacy, Is it forward to ask a woman over to my house for dinner on a first date? I’m a trained chef, so food is how I communicate with people.

Jesus El Segundo, CA

Hello There, Jesus!

I think it is wonderful that you want to share your gift of cooking with a woman that you are interested in dating. A home cooked meal is always far better than a restaurant if done properly. Unfortunately, I do not believe many people would be comfortable going to your home for a first date, unless this is someone you have known for some time already. I Can see it working if you were to invite her and a few other couples over though. I hope it works well for you! PS…be sure to find out what her favorite dishes are for extra points!


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