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Negative Energy Holding You Down?


By Stacy Koruba

If the negative energy from 2020 has you feeling weighed down and feeling trapped in your own skin, I would like to suggest a good sage smudging of yourself and your home to start out the New Year. It is a practice my family likes to partake in sometimes, especially when the energy in our home feels negative or stagnant. I had some serious motivation two weeks ago and forcefully kicked all the negative energy out of my home on its behind, yes, I had to wrestle that sucker to the ground and drag it kicking and screaming to the front door but once there I gave it swift kick and sent it on its way.

It had been wafting around our house for months and had attached itself to closely to my daughter, causing her to fall into a very deep depression. I was determined to try anything, so I entered her room, armed with my sage stick, a lighter, a feather and an abalone shell. I opened the blinds in her room to allow the sun to shine in and opened the windows wide to allow all the negative energy to escape. I lit the sage and began blowing on it until it began to smoke and then I set my intentions. While walking around her bedroom in a counterclockwise direction I guided the smoke with the feather into every corner and crevice while repeating the intention in my mind. When I was finished, I sat down at the edge of her bed, staring intently at her while blowing the smoke at her and I kept repeating in my head that I was sending her every once of love and light and happiness that I had in my heart and body, I was transferring it from myself to her and asking the Universe to please help remove her pain. I really had no idea what I was doing or why I was doing it, but those were the words and actions that felt right. She laid there staring at me like I had lost my mind, but I really did not care. After I was done with that, for good measure I did a few cheers like Molly Shannons’ “Mary Katherine Gallagher” character from “Superstar” then I proceeded to sage the rest of our house.

My daughter’s depression was bad. She was sleeping or in bed about 18-20 hours a day for about four months. Nothing motivated her, including counseling, school or social interaction with her friends. The day after the smudging she was awake at 7:30AM, out of bed making breakfast for herself and showering! That day she cleaned up her room which was something she had not done in forever and then she picked up her art supplies and began drawing again. Art is her passion, and during the time of her depression any time she tried to do it she would begin and then just lose interest quickly or start to cry. She spent an entire day working on art and she ate normally and there were a few times that I saw a smile on her face.

Since that day, her sleep patterns are back to normal, she has created some amazing art pieces and has not stopped drawing at all. Her passion for life is back. She is excited to begin her next semester in college and has begun socializing with friends. She says that she still feels some depression and is working through that with her therapist but finds that it is now more manageable. I have no explanation for the quick change except removing the negative energy from our home or my fantastic Mary Katherine Gallagher cheerleading skills! We smudged the house a week later to remove any remaining negative energy that may have been hanging around and we all feel refreshed.

The practice of smudging with positive effects has been around since ancient times. Smudging is practiced by various cultures around the world. The smudging used by new age groups is based off Native American rituals known as The Sacred Smoke Bowl Blessing, with smudging being its common name. Smudging is said to have many benefits including spiritual ones. The science backed studies have shown that sage smoke increases oxygen supply to the brain, which in turn allows tensed muscles to relax. It can also have benefits to those affected by poor air quality, improving the condition of those that suffer from asthma, respiratory issues, and general coughs and colds.

Smoke from certain types of plants changes the molecular structure of air and energy, inducing a cleansing effect. Moreover, smudging has been found to be an effective practice in aromatherapy. This is partly because the sense of smell is connected strongly to memory and instinct. Smudging is effective in combating negative emotions, including anger, fear, and grief.

The materials needed to begin your journey are easily available online. Just do a search and you can have what you need delivered to you in days. The practice is also extremely easy. You will need a smudge stick, a fireproof container, a candle or matches, a feather and a way to extinguish. I use the fireproof bowl and press the stick into it until the fire is out. I set my intentions for the cleansing before I begin, you can do this out loud or in your head. Praying or saying an affirmation also works.

Light your sage stick over the bowl until a small flame has caught. Be sure that you have opened windows and or doors in your home before you begin. Lightly blow on the flame while holding it above your bowl until it goes out. The sage will gently smoke like incense. Now you can begin your journey of walking around the house clockwise, using your hand or a feather to move the smoke into all areas of space. Include all small areas where energy can collect and become stagnant like corners, closets and behind door. I like to imagine the smoke trapping all the bad energy, grabbing a hold of it like a hostage and then floating away with it out the windows and doors, never to be seen again.

Once you are done you can put the stick out in your fireproof bowl or allow it to extinguish on its own in the bowl if you are going if the bowl is going to be always attended. Feel free to smudge again as often as you feel your energy needs it.

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